Tiny Tunes runs at St Martin’s Church, London Road, Worcester on the fourth Monday
of each month. The partnership with the Elgar School of Music brings classical music
to babies and toddlers along with their carers.
Janine Parsons is Head of School at the Elgar School of Music and helped to set up
the initiative with St Martin’s. She said: “We had seen the idea elsewhere and thought
it would be a great thing to offer in Worcester. Listening to music develops imagination
and creativity and is great for the emotional development of young children. It’s also
really hard to get out to concerts when you’re a parent so the idea was to provide
something for the mums, dads and grandparents too!”
“For St Martin’s, it’s all about welcoming people into the church,” said Shirley Scott,
Concerts Administrator at the church. “We’ve got a great church for music here with
excellent acoustics and facilities, and this fts well with our other concerts and our
mission to the community. It enables a different group of people to come into church
and feel comfortable and it’s great to be able to help nurture young children.”
Kate Stephenson-Pugh brings her two year old and baby to Tiny Tunes. She said: “It’s
great that there are different types of music. My son is quite cautious, but each time
we come, he’s paid attention to the music and has started to have a dance. It’s a really
good experience for the children and I enjoy it too!”
Pray for all involved in Tiny Tunes at St Martin’s Church and that all that attend will feel
warmly welcomed into the church.
Stourbridge Deanery – Rural Dean: Andrew Sillis; Lay Chair: John Nicholson
The Episcopal Church in the Philippines
Diocese of Skara (Sweden): Bishop Åke Bonnier
Diocese of Leeds: Bishop Nick Baines with Bishops Tony Robinson (Wakefield), Toby Howarth
Bishop Jonathan Gibbs (Huddersfield), Paul Slater (Leeds), Helen-Ann Hartley (Ripon)