St Chad’s is an Anglican Parish in the Catholic Tradition of the Church of England. We are a Society Parish under the Episcopal care of the Bishop of Oswestry The Eucharist is at the centre of our worshiping life and it is celebrated with the richness and solemnity which appeals to all the senses. The Family Mass at 10.15am on Sundays is the main gathering for the parish community. Music is a mixture of traditional
and modern and the Eucharist is offered with full Catholic ceremonial. There are activity tables at the back of Church. Coffee is served after the Mass and there is an opportunity to stay and chat.
Tea & Coffee and sometimes Cake is served after the 11am Mass on Sundays
Sunday 9th February 2025
5th Sunday in Ordinary Time
8.00am Mass at S. Chads
9.30am Parish Mass at S. James
11.00am Parish Mass at S. Chad’s
Wednesday 9.30am Mass at S. Chad’s
Thursday 10.00am Mass at S. James
Friday 7.00pm Mass at S. Chad’s
Saturday 10.00am Mass at S. Chad’s
Next Sunday
8.00am Mass at S. Chad’s
9.30am Parish Mass S. James
11.00am Parish Mass at S. Chad’s
Father Gary’s contact details:
01902 881357