Over the last
fortnight schools, like so many other organisations, have been directed into
unchartered waters in the nation’s response to the Coronavirus pandemic.
With a whole new
set of difficult and confusing challenges to face, school staff continue to
brilliantly serve children, young people and families in their communities
face-to-face and through social media as well as providing online resources for
home-schooling. Despite the current immense pressures on society, school staff
are putting themselves on the front-line to care for the children who need the
most support at this time, whilst ensuring the education they offer to all
children is as enriching and inspiring as possible.
In some areas
schools located close to one another have quickly united to provide support
through these strange times. Many schools are excellently living out their
school’s Christian vision, whilst parents juggling work and childcare are also
modelling faith in action in their households.
Please pray for all
school staff, children and families as they navigate news ways of living and
learning together during this time of social distancing.
Dudley Deanery – Rural Dean: Dominic Melville; Lay Chair:
Anne Penn
Armagh (Ireland): Archbishop Richard Clarke Funen (Denmark): Bishop Tine Lindhardt