New Licensed Lay Ministers

Next Saturday, seven
people from across the
Diocese will be admitted
to the office of Reader
in the Cathedral. Bishop
John, will conduct the
service, licensing the
individuals to minister in
the parishes they have
been called to serve. 

Readers are trained and licensed lay ministers in the Church of England, authorised in
particular to exercise a ministry of preaching and teaching. They undergo a two year
training course before being admitted to the role, after which they carry out a wide
range of tasks within their parishes and beyond, especially helping others to reflect on
their faith and how it relates to their daily lives. 

To be admitted and licensed:

• Mary German from St.Peter’s Church, Pedmore

• Jacquie Green from the Malvern Chase Team Ministry
(All Saints, Malvern Wells & Wyche)

• Val Houghton from the Brierley Hill Team Ministry (Christ Church,Quarry Bank)

• Maureen Hughes from the Ipsley Team Ministry (St.John’s Church,Greenlands) 

• Melissa Rose from HolyTrinity,Old Hill

• Kim Topham from Belbroughton w Fairfield & Clent (St.Leonard’s Church,Clent) 

• Geoff Westwood from the BromsgroveTeam Ministry (Christchurch,Catshill) 

Please pray for all those being licensed next week, for their families and their parishes. 

Kidderminster Deanery – Rural Dean: Hugh Burton; Lay Chair: June Thomas 

Diocese of Okigwe (Nigeria); Bishop Edward Osuegbu 

Evangelical Lutheran Church of Iceland: Bishop Agnes Sigurdardottir with
Bishops Kristjan Valur Ingolfsson and Solveig Lara Gudmundsdottir 

The Spanish Reformed Episcopal Church: Bishop Carlos Lopez Lozano

About Diocese of Worcester - Prayer diary

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