Mission-Shaped Ministry

Mission-Shaped Ministry is a part-time ecumenical course about
how to start and sustain Fresh
Expressions of church. Next month,
this nationally recognised course
will begin in two venues in the
Diocese – Cradley Heath in the north
and Worcester in the south. There
will then be ten sessions between
September and June 2020, mostly
on evenings and Saturdays, but also
including a residential weekend in
November at the diocesan retreat
house, Holland House. The course will be run by Tom Fish and Alicia Baker in the north,
and by the Revd’s Mark Badger and Glenn Reading in the south. 

Ministry leadership teams would find the course useful to help think about new ways
to engage with their local communities. Sessions will include discussions, videos and
hands-on activities based on themes such as mission, vision and values, community
engagement, Gospel and culture. 

Tom Fish, highlights the importance of new ways of working, saying: “Fresh Expressions
are the fastest growing part of the Church of England, reaching people and communities
that existing churches cannot.”

Find out more about the Mission-Shaped Ministry course on the diocesan website.
To book a place on the course, please email training@cofe-worcester.org.uk.

Please pray that the Mission-Shaped Ministry course acts as a foundation for and
highlights new missional opportunities for churches and their communities. 

Upton Deanery – Rural Dean: Chris Moss; Lay Chair: Maria Toman 

Edinburgh (Scotland): Bishop John Armes 

Espoo (Finland): Bishop Kaisamari Hintikka 

Anglican Church of South America: Archbishop Gregory Venables

About Diocese of Worcester - Prayer diary

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