Malvern knitted angels

Last year, early one morning a few days before Christmas, white knitted angels appeared in and around Malvern. Each angel was carrying a special Christmas message, and the invitation to ‘take me home’. A thousand angels distributed in and around Malvern and Malvern Link were taken by mid-afternoon on the same day. 

The Angel Project aims to share God’s love at Christmas and bless the community. It is gaining momentum and now takes place in several towns around Britain, whilst its influence is tracked on social media using the hashtag #xmasangels. 

This year, knitters from across Malvern have come together every Friday in the lead up to Christmas, to knit and crochet the angels, share fellowship and enjoy a cup of tea together. They have created even more this year, to ensure the angels carry the joy of Christmas into as many homes as possible. 

Read more about the project and find out how you can get involved at:

Please pray for all those who do not find a Christmas angel this year, that they may find the joy of God’s love in another way during this Christmas season.

Martley & Worcester West Deanery Rural Dean: Anne Potter
Lay Chair: John Chidlow

Pray for the work of the Mothers’ Union around the world: Sheran Harper (Worldwide President)
and Bev Jullien (Chief Executive).

Chester: Bishop Peter Forster
w Bishop Keith Sinclair 

Kuopio (Finland):
Bishop Jari Jolkkonen

About Diocese of Worcester - Prayer diary

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