By Alicia Baker, Vicar of Dudley Wood:
“Cradley Heath Community Link began in September 2014 and provides a new church
presence in Cradley Heath. To begin with we just housed the foodbank – part of Black
Country Foodbank – and waited to see what happened.
“After a slow start people came into the ‘shop’ and we gathered a group of volunteers
willing to extend the work. We opened two days a week for people to come in and have
a cuppa. After a while a knitting group began; then people came in to see if we could
help them with various issues such as benefit claims, family issues, or a confidential
chat. We opened another day for this for the sake of more privacy, and we began linking
up with agencies and solicitors, the job centre and asylum help. This year we added a
job-search facility.
“Community Link operates thanks to volunteers. A diocesan transition grant, made
available to parishes where stipendiary clergy numbers have been cut, has enabled us
to provide a part-time events coordinator and offer crafting events, day-trips and other
activities for local families who otherwise would not be able to afford them. We are
grateful to the Kingdom People Fund for a grant towards the costs for this Summer so
the project can continue.
“In July we expect to move into larger, more accessible
accommodation. Please pray that the move will go smoothly.
We hope to expand into working with younger people as we
experience younger people now coming to us for the foodbank
and for related advice.”
Please pray for Dudley Wood Community Link and for all those
who benefit from the service.
Kidderminster Deanery – Rural Dean: Hugh Burton;
Lay Chair: June Thomas
Diocese of Lincoln: Bishop Christopher Lowson with Bishops
David Court (Grimsby) and Nicholas Chamberlain (Grantham)
Diocese of Härnösand (Sweden): Bishop Eva Byström
Diocese of Lappo (Finland): Bishop Simo Peura
The Anglican Church of Papua New Guinea: Archbishop Clyde Igara