Rogation Sunday

Rogation Sunday is
the day when the
Church has traditionally
offered prayer for God’s
blessings on the fruits of
the earth and the labours
of those who produce
our food. 

The word “rogation” is from the Latin rogare, “to ask.” Historically, the Rogation
Days (the three days before Ascension Day) were a period of fasting and abstinence,
asking for God’s blessing on the crops for a bountiful harvest. Less of us today directly
derive our livelihood from the production of food, yet it is good to be reminded of our
dependence upon those who do and our responsibility for the environment. 

Traditionally a common feature of Rogation days was the ceremony of beating the
bounds, in which a procession of parishioners, led by the minister and churchwardens
would proceed around the boundary of their parish and pray for its protection in the
forthcoming year. As it is no longer practical to follow exact boundaries many services
will be held that have a focus on specific elements of creation such as livestock, fields,
orchards and gardens. 

A prayer for Rogationtide: 

Remember, Lord, your mercy and loving-kindness towards us
Bless this good earth, and make it fruitful.

Bless our labour, and give us all things needed for our daily lives.

Bless the homes of our parish and all who live within them.

Bless our common life and our care for our neighbour.
Hear us, good Lord. Amen.

Worcester East – Rural Dean: Charles Thomas; Lay Chair: Mike Bunclark 

Diocese of Southwark: Bishop Christopher Chessun with Bishops Richard Cheetham
(Kingston), Jonathan Clark (Croydon), Karowei Dorgu (Woolwich) 

Diocese of Björgvin (Norway): Bishop Halvor Nordhaug
The Anglican Church of Kenya: Archbishop Jackson Ole Sapit

About Diocese of Worcester - Prayer diary

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