Prayers – ​Made to Be One in Dudley

Dudley Borough Interfaith Network has launched
a new campaign: Made to be One. 

The campaign was launched at the Prayer Centre
in Russells Hall Hospital, where faith leaders
came together to sign this pledge: 

“From our different faith groups we commit
ourselves to making Dudley a place where all
people can live in peace together.”

Vice-Chair of the Network, Imam Hashmi Qudoos, from Dudley Central Mosque said:
“Many Muslims in this country have been horrified by the violence of IS in Syria/Iraq.
We join people of all faiths at this time in working to build a peaceful future together.” 

The Bishop of Dudley, the Rt Revd Graham Usher said:

“Working for a peaceable future lies at the heart of all world religions. We join together
as leaders of the different faiths in Dudley, each of us hoping for peace throughout the
world. We believe we are made to be one.” 

Dudley Borough Interfaith Network works to build relationships and understanding
between people of all faiths and none, and to support faith communities in acting
together for the benefit of the whole community.

Pray for everyone involved in the
Dudley Borough Interfaith Network
and that people of all faiths
and none will continue to live
together peacefully in Dudley and
throughout the whole diocese.

Stourbridge Deanery – Rural Dean: Paul Harrison; Lay Chair: John Nicholson 

Diocese of Guildford: Bishop Andrew Watson, Bishop Ian Brackley (Dorking) 

Diocese of Viborg (Denmark): Bishop Henrik Stubkjær 

Diocese of Northern Luzon (Philippines): Bishop Renato Mag-Gay Abibico

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