National Volunteers’ Week

Volunteers’ Week is an annual event which
takes place on 1-7 June. It celebrates
the contribution made by the millions of
volunteers across the UK. It’s run by NCVO
in partnership with Volunteer Development
Scotland, Volunteer Now (Northern Ireland)
and Wales Council for Voluntary Action. 

From showcasing the different volunteering roles on offer, taster sessions and team
challenges with new partners, to volunteer recruitment events, awards ceremonies and
launching new volunteering campaigns, events take place throughout the country.

Everyone is invited to join this national celebration of volunteers and volunteering and
it’s a great opportunity to say thank you for all that volunteers do for the life of the
Church and community. 


We pray for all those who volunteer in Your service; 

giving grateful thanks for all that they give and do. 

Strengthen and sustain all volunteers;

that with patience and understanding they may love and care for your people; 

We pray also for those churches who struggle to find volunteers;

and where the few are struggling under huge burdens. 

Help us remember that we need your help in all things – 

may your Spirit guide us; may your Spirit renew us; 

may your Spirit strengthen us; so that we will be strong in faith. 


Kidderminster Deanery – Rural Dean: Hugh Burton; Lay Chair: June Thomas 

The Anglican Centre in Rome, Diocese of Nova Scotia & Prince Edward Island (Canada): 

Bishop Ronald Wayne Cutler

About Diocese of Worcester - Prayer diary

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