The Week of Prayer for Christian Unity is traditionally observed from the 18 to 25 January. Different countries provide the theme for each year – the theme for 2016 is provided by the Churches of Latvia.
Today Latvia is a crossroads where Roman Catholic, Protestant Churches and
Orthodiox Churches meet. Because of this unique location, Christians from many backgrounds are side by side, but not one of them is dominant. Gathered from the variety of churches are members who have produced resources for churches across
the world on the theme “Salt of the earth”.
They draw attention to the words of Jesus in Matthew’s Gospel which tells us that as his disciples we are to be light to the world, and salt of the earth: the very things that as human beings we cannot live without, and therefore without the Gospel, without the promise of the good news of God’s love in Christ, the world is lost. This year’s resources provide an opportunity to reflect upon our Christian vocation to be salt and light, to be one in Christ, and to work together in service to our local community and to the world.
Lord Jesus, you commanded us to break bread together and to drink one cup in remembrance of you – your imperative ignored. Open the hearts and minds of Christians world-wide, especially those entrusted with leadership in your Church, to the joys and blessings of this fellowship. Create in all of us a passion to realise the hope to which you have called us: one body and one Spirit, one Lord, one baptism, one God who is above and through and in all. Amen
Droitwich Deanery – Rural Dean: Sheila Banyard; Lay Chair: Janet Bryan
The Church of Bangladesh: Archbishop Paul Sarker