Last Sunday, the Revd David Morris and the Revd Nick Gowers joined thousands of
others in the Vélo 100 Birmingham & Midlands Cycle event.
17,000 riders raced through the countryside as they completed the 100-mile cycle
route around the West Midlands. Starting in the heart of Birmingham City Centre,
riders travelled along the cobbled roads surrounding Coventry Cathedral, before passing
through Solihull, Warwickshire, Dudley and Sandwell.
Nick Gowers said: “For me the Vélo was a personal challenge to do something I’ve
never done before. It forced me to be disciplined with regular sustained exercise which
I find so helps with ministry, life and well-being. In the build-up, I really enjoyed the
head-space, prayer-space, and freedom of cycling on the roads.”
David Morris said: “When you have cycled together with people for 6 or 7 hours, there
is a lot of time to chat. People are often surprised that you are there and also that
Christians can be quite normal! Just by simply being present allows people to talk about
faith-based things that they would usually feel uncomfortable to express. For many,
sports go deeper than what they do, they speak to who they are.”
Pray for all those who use sport
as a part of their ministry and a
way to share the good news of
Jesus. Pray also that David and
Nick do not ache too much after
their ride!
Dudley Deanery – Rural Dean:
Dominic Melville;
Lay Chair: Anne Penn
Guildford: Bishop Andrew Watson
with Bishop Jo Wells (Dorking)
Viborg (Denmark):
Bishop Henrik Stubkjær
The Anglican Church of Melanesia:
Archbishop George Takeli