
It is 25 years since Elaine Barbour took over running Traidcraft for St Anne’s Church in Bewdley. When the church was re-ordered it enabled the building to be opened to welcome visitors and serve tea and coffee (fairly traded of course!).

A Traidcraft stall was set up in the new Narthex. From there the Traidcraft work grew and grew. Now Elaine supplies fairly traded goods throughout the Diocese and beyond for one-off special events and for regular stalls, as well as giving talks and doing work in schools. She is currently the top selling Traidcraft Fairtrader in the country. 

Elaine is happy to talk to parishes about the Fairtrade opportunities provided by having a Traidcraft stall in church or can bring her stand to events. She would also like to encourage all churches to ensure that they are serving fairtrade tea and coffee and can help parishes achieve this.

“Christmas may be over for this year, but it’s never too early to think about going Fairtrade for next year’s shopping! Please support your local Traidcraft Fairtrader or buy online at www.traidcraftshop.co.uk and if you’re not yet serving Traidcraft tea and coffee in your church please make that a priority,” urges Elaine. 

Pray for Elaine and all those throughout our Diocese who promote fairly-traded goods. 

Upton Deanery – Rural Dean: Christopher Moss; Lay Chair: Roger Gillard 

The Anglican Church of Burundi: Archbishop Bernard Ntahoturi

About Diocese of Worcester - Prayer diary

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