​Tiny Tunes in Worcester

Every month, St Martin’s Church, London Road in Worcester hosts a very special concert. 

Tiny Tunes is a joint venture between The Elgar School of Music and St Martin’s Church.
The idea is to provide a relaxed, baby-friendly environment for parents and carers with
babies and very young children, where they can all enjoy a varied selection of lovely
and lively music, performed by professional musicians. After the concerts, coffee and
home-made cakes are available. 

Church member, Shirley Scott said: “The atmosphere was buzzing at the launch concert
of Tiny Tunes at St Martin’s last May. We had no idea how many to expect, and we were
delighted to welcome 45 adults and 43 tinies, most of whom sat quietly for much of the
time, listening to the animal-themed programme of music for cello and piano, played
by Corinne Frost and Janine Parsons. There were some cuddly animals available, and
a few small instruments for the toddlers to have a go at playing themselves.” 

The concerts are held in St Martin’s at 10.30am on the 4th Monday in the month
(except December). 

Please pray for those involved in organising the Tiny Tunes concerts and for all those
who attend. 

Bromsgrove Deanery – Rural Dean: Paul Lawlor; Lay Chair – David Hargreaves 

Diocese of Växjö (Sweden): Bishop Fredrik Modéus 

Diocese of Oxford: Bishop Steven Croft with Bishops Andrew Proud (Reading),
Colin Fletcher (Dorchester) and Alan Wilson (Buckingham) 

Church in Cuba: Bishop Griselda Del Carpio with Suffragan Bishop Ulises Prendes

About Diocese of Worcester - Prayer diary

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