​Taking Funerals Seriously

About one third of funerals in this country are taken by
Church of England ministers, but this figure is falling; we
are losing our ‘market share’. 

These days, many people are opting for (or being steered
towards) a ‘non-religious’ funeral, perhaps because the
deceased did not go to church. But CofE research has
shown that most mourners want a funeral service that is
both personal and hopeful in the context of a supporting,
caring community. These are elements which the Church –
and perhaps only the Church – can and does provide. So
maybe we are underselling ourselves? In times past, we waited for the phone to ring for
our services; now maybe we need to be more vocal in the ‘market place’ and advertise
the especially good and even unique things that the Church’s funeral ministry offers. 

Some of these themes were explored in a diocesan day workshop held in May. Now
a small Diocesan ‘Funerals Group’ (Nick Wright, Alex Vaccaro; Alex French and Andy
Hewines) is seeking to help our churches and deaneries respond imaginatively. One new
step is to ensure that we have enough funeral ministers to readily respond to requests
from funeral directors. It has been agreed that suitable ALMs may now be encouraged
to add to their training in order to become ‘Authorised Funeral Ministers’. 

But all church members have a role to play: encourage people you know to make their
funeral wishes clear to their families, and remind them of the good and important things
that only the Church’s ministry can provide for their families when they are bereaved. 

Please pray for all those who lead funerals in the Diocese and if any of these matters
are important to you or your church, do get in touch with the Funerals Group through
Nick Wright revnmwright@btinternet.com

Stourbridge Deanery – Rural Dean: Andrew Sillis; Lay Chair: John Nicholson 

The Church of North India (United): Archbishop Dr Prem Chand Singh 

Diocese of Lincoln: Bishop Christopher Lowson, 

Bishops David Court (Grimsby) & Nicholas Chamberlain (Grantham) 

Diocese of Härnösand (Sweden): Bishop Eva Byström 

Diocese of Lappo (Finland): Bishop Simo Peura

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