​Prisons’ Week

The work of chaplaincy makes a significant contribution to the life and work of our
two prisons (HMP Hewell near Redditch, and HMP Long Lartin near Evesham). Both
are served by an interfaith team of chaplains and volunteers and work with prisoners
and their families, as well as staff. As well as regular services held in the chapel there
are bible studies, meditation and discussion groups, along with the core work of
pastoral care. Chaplains also contribute to the Restorative Justice programme, aimed
at rehabilitative transformation. At HMP Hewell, work with families by the children and
families’ team includes parenting courses and family-time visits, and is supported by
volunteers from local churches. 

One annual focus for this ministry is Prisons’ Sunday, today, 8 October. A special service
will be held in Worcester Cathedral at 10.30am and will include contributions from
chaplains and volunteers, prayers written by prisoners and an accompanying exhibition
on the work of the chaplaincy team. All are welcome. 

Pray for:  

  • All who work in our prisons, prisoners and their families and the multi-faith and ecumenical teams of chaplains and volunteers (Co-ordinating chaplains Margie Schutte – HMP Hewell; Ismail Isakji – HMP Long Lartin)
  • For the chaplains’ ministry of pastoral care, reconciliation and reformation
  • For those who are victims of crime and those who care for them
  • For Prisons Sunday and the special service in the Cathedral
  • We pray for those in prison. 

Lord, you offer freedom to all people.

We pray for those in prison.

Break the bonds of fear and isolation that exist. 

Support with your love prisoners and their
families and friends, 

prison staff and all who care. 

Heal those who have been wounded by the 

activities of others, especially the victims of crime. 

Help us to forgive one another. 

To act justly, love mercy and walk humbly 

together with Christ, in His strength and

in His Spirit, now and every day. Amen. 

(Prayer for Prisons Sunday) 

Droitwich Deanery – Rural Dean:
Sheila Banyard;
Lay Chair: Janet Bryan 

Diocese of St Albans:
Bishop Alan Smith with Bishops
Richard Atkinson (Bedford),
Michael Beasley (Hertford) 

Diocese of Liverpool:
Bishop Paul Bayes with Suffragan
Bishop Richard Blackburn 

Diocese of Monmouth (Wales):
Bishop Richard Pain 

Diocese of Haderslev (Denmark):
Bishop Marianne Christiansen

About Diocese of Worcester - Prayer diary

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