​Prayers – New Parish Share formula

The November meeting of the Diocesan Synod agreed that a new way of apportioning
parish share should be tried.

Malvern Deanery, reflecting the views of many in
the Diocese, proposed a change to the way the
Parish Share is worked out. After a lengthy debate,
the Diocesan Synod agreed their pattern offered a
fairer way of splitting the cost of running the church
across the Diocese. 

Parishes will be asked to survey in the income of
their active members. This is a completely anonymous process – individuals will tick a
band for their annual income, then record their name on a completely separate form
(so people who haven’t filled in the form can be encouraged to do so). The income
forms will be put in a sealed box and totalled up by a different parish. 

The process is based on a system already in use in Malvern Deanery. David Nichol,
Vicar of Holy Trinity & St. James in Malvern said: 

“We’ve been running this formula since 2012 and it’s perceived to be understandable
and not intrusive into people’s circumstances. In fact, when people realised how
anonymous the process was, it changed their initial perceptions and after the first year
we’ve had no issues collecting the data. Only those who are regularly engaged with
the church are surveyed and we’ve found that it’s a healthy thing to recognise our key
supporters and acknowledge what they’re doing. It’s not about individual giving, but
simply a way of working out who proportionately could pay more or less share.” 

Please pray for all those who are involved in the allocation and collection of parish
share and for everyone in our congregations who give generously to resource the
Church in mission and ministry in Worcestershire and Dudley. 

Worcester East Deanery – Rural Dean: Stuart Currie; Lay Chair: Michael Bunclark 

Diocese of Blackburn, Bishop Julian Henderson with Bishops Geoff Pearson (Lancaster)
and John Hawley (Blackburn) 

Diocese of Brechin (Scotland): Bishop Nigel Peyton
The Lutheran Church in Great Britain: Bishop Martin Lind 

Diocese of New Jersey (USA): Bishop William Stokes

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