The Revd Sue Irwin writes about the keeping of Plough Sunday at St Peter Powick:
“Every year on the Sunday after Epiphany we keep Plough Sunday at the churches of our rural benefice. At Powick, Robert Floyd one of our local farmers, parks his plough in front of the church, and the congregation gather round for the traditional blessing including:
VICAR – The plough is the sign of all our labour in the countryside: the plough is the foundation of the farmer’s work. Before the soil can be broken, or the seed sown, or the green corn grow, or the grain be reaped, or the bread baked, or the people be fed, we must plough the field.
PEOPLE – So at the beginning of another year, we bring this plough to our Parish Church, to ask God’s blessing on the plough, on us, and on all the work and workers on the farms of our parish.
Let the ploughman’s hope be fulfilled in a plentiful harvest;
let thy people be fed with the wholesome food of their countryside;
and let town and country,
united in gratitude to thee,
be drawn nearer to the understanding and true
service of each other;
through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
Droitwich Deanery – Rural Dean: Sheila Banyard; Lay Chair: Janet Bryan
The Anglican Church of Australia: Archbishop Philip Freier