​New Communities Minister at Top Church

Kath Poole has been appointed as the new Communities
Minister at St Thomas and St Luke (‘Top Church’) in Dudley.
This is a new role at one of our two resourcing churches
which will focus on how the church can best serve the local
community in the town. 

Kath worked as an Occupational Therapist in mental health
before coming to Top Church where she was involved in
assessing and addressing barriers to participation. In her
new role, she will spend the first six months researching the local area – talking to a
wide range of people and finding out about the needs of the local area.

Kath said: “I have been a member of Top Church for the past few months and was
looking for a way to combine work with my faith. I’m hoping to be able to use the
skills I’ve developed as an occupational therapist to look at how Top Church can best
participate in the community and vice versa. I am completely open to ideas about how
the role might develop and over the next few months I’ll be talking to those already
working with the local community to see how we can be involved. It will be a privilege to
come alongside those who are already working in Dudley and to be able to have a long
term outlook as to what might be possible.” 

Please pray for Kath in this role as well as for those she will come into contact with. 

Droitwich Deanery – Rural Dean: Wyn Beynon, Lay Chair: Janet Bryan 

Province of the West Indies: Vacant 

Diocese of Växjö (Sweden): Bishop Fredrik Modéus 

Oxford: Bishop Steven Croft w Bishops Colin Fletcher (Dorchester),
Alan Wilson (Buckingham)

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