In 2011, the House of Bishops produced the
‘Responding Well’ report, which highlighted how
sexual abuse can affect adult survivors. It asked
each diocese to provide support and guidance,
saying: “It is vital that our churches are safe
places for people to tell their stories of abuse,
and where people listen and respond well.”
Time for Action
In response to this, our diocese has set up
an Authorised Listening Service, which is now
available to anyone who has been affected
in this way. The listening service offers the
opportunity to talk about sensitive issues with a
trustworthy stranger.
A team of listeners has been recruited and authorised by Bishop John. All have
experience and skills in counselling or similar and are able to provide specialist support
and manage confidential information. A Listener will usually provide a series of face to
face sessions, and will offer support for any next steps that are considered necessary.
The service can be requested in confidence via Parish Safeguarding Officers, clergy,
or direct via the Diocesan Safeguarding team. There will be leaflets available in every
Please help us spread the word across the Diocese to enable us to reach anyone in
need of support.
Pray for all those involved in the set-up of this new service, in particular for our
volunteer listeners, and for those in need who we wish to reach out to, to offer the
support and love of a healing church.
Pershore Deanery – Rural Dean: Susan Renshaw; Lay Chair: Sue Perry
Diocese of Ruvuma (Tanzania): Bishop Maternus Kapinga
Diocese of Sambalpur (North India): Bishop Pinuel Dip
Diocese of Espoo (Finland): Bishop Tapio Luoma
Diocese of Edinburgh (Scotland): Bishop John Armes