​National Health Service

At this most
challenging of times, we pray for all those who work in our NHS. The doctors
and nurses, but also all those who support them – the healthcare assistants,
porters, receptionists, managers, catering staff and cleaners.

Pray also for all
those who work in social care, working in residential centres and visiting
people in their homes to make sure some of the most vulnerable in our
communities continue to be looked after through the pandemic.

We pray that
healthcare workers will find the strength to make the right decisions in
difficult circumstances and the time to look after themselves as well as

Lord Jesus, who healed the sick and gave them new life,
be with doctors, nurses and carers, as they act as
agents of your healing touch.
In desperate times, keep them strong yet loving;
and when their work is done,
be with them in their weariness and in their tears.

Dudley Deanery – Rural Dean: Dominic Melville; Lay Chair:
Anne Penn

for your Baptism families: Lord,
you have given parents a new creation through their child, help them
share the love and hope of the Easter story with their child/ren. Amen. 

The Province of the Indian Ocean: Archbishop James Wong Yin Song 

Uppsala (Sweden): Archbishop Antje Jackelén, Bishop Karin Johannesson

About Diocese of Worcester - Prayer diary

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