“The idea of Kingdom Arts came from the idea of a Messy Church for adults,” says Alex
New, one of the organisers. “I started thinking, why should children have all the fun!”
Kingdom Arts runs monthly at St George’s Church in Worcester. It is led by congregation
members Alex and Sue Ashby, who come to do arts and craft, worship together and
then share lunch.
Jo Musson, Vicar of St George’s and Claines, said: “Alex and Sue started talking about
what they’d like church to be. Church is often about listening to words – Kingdom Arts
is about knowing that God can speak to you whatever you’re doing.”
The sessions attract people from different backgrounds – Christians of all traditions as
well as some people of other faiths and none. Alex says: “We saw our plans as fitting
under the Kingdom People umbrella. It’s all about expressing faith through creativity.”
Some artwork is produced for the church and other items are taken home. Throughout
the session there are lots of conversations. At the end people share poetry they’ve
written, and some of the artwork, as well as any other insights from the morning.
Shefalie was invited by one of the other participants. She said: “I was attracted by the
chance to explore different ways of being creative. I didn’t know about the spiritual side,
but the two elements of the morning go together and it’s been a chance to explore
and ask questions as well as learn new skills. It is a unique place, very friendly with a
great atmosphere.”
Pray for all those involved in Kingdom Arts in Worcester, that more people will come to
faith or have their faith strengthened as a result.
Evesham Deanery – Rural Dean: Richard Thornily; Lay Chair: Liz Booth
Diocese of St Albans: Bishop Alan Smith with Bishops Richard Atkinson (Bedford) and
Michael Beasley (Hertford)
Diocese of Linköping (Sweden): Bishop Martin Modéus
The Episcopal Church in the Philippines: Archbishop Renato Abibico