KEMP hospice in Kidderminster was started in 1969 by a
prayer group in Wolverley and KEMP’s name came about
as an acronym which originally stood for Kidderminster
Ecumenical Mission Project. It is a day hospice, seeing
between 14 – 16 patients each day, but also supports many
more people through its family bereavement support service,
which can be accessed by anyone in Wyre Forest.
Day Hospice Team Leader, Pip Nicholson said: “We are like
a family here at the hospice. It can be quite a fearful time
for people who come to us, but KEMP is not a sad place –
it’s a place of peace and sanctuary where there is hope,
love, support and laughter. We want
to ensure that prayer and spirituality
are at the heart of the hospice, and
finding out what makes our patients
smile and brings joy to their lives is a
part of our initial assessment.”
The Revd Alex Vaccaro is Associate
Chaplain at the hospice. She said:
“We have lots of different activities for the patients here – we’ve celebrated harvest
and National Hospice Week as well as held themed weeks around the seaside and the
circus. Chatting over the craft activities can often stimulate interesting conversations.
Patients feel safe at the hospice and will ask questions they might be frightened to
ask anywhere else. There’s also a place for traditional chaplaincy – lighting candles
and saying prayers with patients. When someone dies we always hold an act of
remembrance for the staff, volunteers and other patients, providing spiritual care for
the whole hospice family.”
Please pray for all involved at KEMP hospice, whether as staff, volunteer or a patient.
Droitwich Deanery – Rural Dean: Wyn Beynon; Lay Chair: Janet Bryan
O God, who revealed your only Son to the Gentiles by the leading of a star,
mercifully grant that we, who know you now by faith, may after this life enjoy
the splendour of your gracious Godhead, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen