​Hagley Bell ringing

Richard Scarth has been bell-ringing for the past
ten years and three years ago became Tower
Captain at St John the Baptist in Hagley. The team
of ringers has gone from strength to strength.

“It’s essential to be open and welcoming to
everyone,” says Richard. “I try to ensure that
when people come to try ringing, they have an
enjoyable experience and leave the tower with a
smile on their face!” 

There are now up to a dozen people who come to
ring at Hagley on practice nights, ranging in age
from 11 to over 70. 

The Church has a Facebook page for the bell
ringers and a hand bell ringing group has
started, with support from the hand bell master
at St John’s Church in Halesowen, John Lashford. “Our hand bells are from the Victorian
era and hadn’t been used much in recent years, so it’s great to see this little community
growing,” says Richard. 

Anyone is welcome to Hagley’s bell ringing practice on Wednesday night. The bell tower
holds at least one open day a year, often linked to open days at nearby Hagley Park.
The church also commemorates local and national events with peels and quarter-peels. 

“Bell ringing is a real traditional English pastime,” says Richard. “Once you get the hang
of it, it’s great fun and you’ll be welcome in any of the 6000 bell towers worldwide.
There’s often a certain mystique about what goes on in bell towers but there are lots of
reasons to come and have a go and find out more!” 

Please pray for Richard and his bell-ringing team at Hagley as well as for all those who
ring bells in churches across the Diocese. 

Pershore Deanery – Rural Dean: Susan Renshaw; Lay Chair: Sue Perry 

Diocese of Tuam, Killala and Achonry (Ireland): Bishop Patrick Rooke

Diocese of Bath and Wells: Bishop Peter Hancock with Bishop Ruth Worsley (Taunton) 

The Episcopal Church: Archbishop Michael Curry

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