​Economy and Daily Life

Pray for politicians at all levels, for wisdom, selflessness and vision in decisions at times
of crisis and uncertainty. Pray for all living with the consequences of Brexit and for peace,
healing and hope. 

Rayalaseema (India): Bishop B D Prasada Rao 

Cuernavaca (Mexico):
Bishop Enrique Treviño Cruz 

Curitiba (Brazil): Archbishop Naudal Alves Gomes

About Diocese of Worcester - Prayer diary

​Economy and Daily Life

Pray for politicians at all levels, for wisdom, selflessness and vision in decisions at times
of crisis and uncertainty. Pray for all living with the consequences of Brexit and for peace,
healing and hope. 

Rayalaseema (India): Bishop B D Prasada Rao 

Cuernavaca (Mexico):
Bishop Enrique Treviño Cruz 

Curitiba (Brazil): Archbishop Naudal Alves Gomes

About Diocese of Worcester - Prayer diary

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