​Church Action on Poverty

Church Action on Poverty Sunday takes place each year on the last Sunday before Lent (until 2014 it was part of Poverty & Homelessness Action Week). 

The theme this year is ‘Bread Broken for ALL’ 

Food is a gift from God. But in the UK today, thousands of people are denied access to that gift by injustices that leave them destitute.

Growing numbers are going hungry, or trapped in poverty despite their best efforts. But people in poverty are usually blamed for their situation, or treated as powerless victims. 

You may not know it, but you, and everybody else in the UK, have a right to food. 

In 1976, our Government made a binding commitment under international human rights law to secure the human right to adequate food for everyone in the UK.

Church Action on Poverty is a national ecumenical Christian social justice charity, committed to tackling poverty in the UK. It works in partnership with churches and with people in poverty themselves to find solutions to poverty, locally, nationally and globally. 

The charity has a vision of a more equal society, with a narrower gap between rich and poor. Happier. Healthier. Safer. Fairer. 

Pray for all those who are hungry this day or who need to use food banks to feed their families. 

Upton Deanery – Rural Dean: Christopher Moss; Lay Chair: Roger Gillard

The Anglican Church of Canada:
Archbishop Frederick Hiltz

About Diocese of Worcester - Prayer diary

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