​Cassius Francis – Just Finance

The Revd Cassius Francis has been appointed as Just
Finance Development Worker for the Black Country. He
will work with churches and local community groups
across the four boroughs, including Dudley in our diocese,
to help the most vulnerable become better financially
equipped, supporting the work of other organisations
such as Christians Against Poverty, Community Money
Advice, whg (Walsall Housing Group) and Credit Unions. 

Just Finance is a national charity which was established to increase the supply of
fair and affordable credit, build financial capability and develop fair financial systems
in local communities. The Archbishop of Canterbury is the charity’s President and
the Black County is now the fourth area in the country to benefit from a dedicated
development worker. 

Cassius is a Minister with the Wesleyan Holiness Church and trained for ordination at
Queen’s Theological College in Birmingham. He said: “I wanted a role which would
enable me to engage practically with people and offer support. Too often the most
vulnerable only have access to credit at the highest cost. People don’t assess the high
interest levels and can quickly get into a cycle of debt which it’s difficult to escape. Just
Finance offers practical skills around budgeting and financial knowledge and a key part
of my role will be to help people to access these.” 

Cassius can offer training for church and community groups to help them support
people in their communities. For example, it’s possible to arrange a ‘train the trainer’
session on simple budgeting skills and helping people be more prepared for the impact
of Universal Credit. He is also planning some work with schools to help young people
become more financial savvy. 

Please pray for Cassius in his new role and the people and parishes he will support. 

Evesham Deanery – Rural Dean: Richard Thorniley; Lay Chair: Liz Booth 

The Scottish Episcopal Church: Archbishop Mark Strange 

Diocese of Bristol: Vacant with Bishop Lee Rayfeld (Swindon) 

Diocese of Helsinki (Finland): Bishop Teemu Laajasalo

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