​Brickworks Church, Lye

In recent years, Brickworks, a small church
plant based in Lye, has been engaging and
evolving a worshipping community. The
church is led by the Revd Tom Fish and
his wife, Helen. Soon after his ordination
in 2013, Tom and Helen moved to Lye
engaging with the local Rufford School
and the wider community. A small group
of helpers was formed to organise events like pancake parties and Easter egg hunts.
A short-term mission team visiting from South Korea helped run two days of children’s
games, followed by a cultural evening, which attracted 70 people. 

Tom said, “Locals just couldn’t believe that something like that was happening in their
community. From small beginnings those two days have grown into a week-long annual
summer occasion with games and refreshments in the day and one evening event. Last
year, 300 people attended our open air concert.” 

Brickworks’ congregation continues to grow after its first meeting in September 2014.
Alongside two Sunday congregations, Brickworks hosts a weekly community café, an
after school discussion group for young people, a weekly group for prayer and Bible
discussion and occasional men’s breakfasts. 

“It’s still very fragile, but Brickworks church is starting to feel like what we prayed for. We’ve
got about thirty-five people attending worship regularly across the two congregations and
our summer events have been amazing – really bringing the community together. There
are also signs of new people coming to faith. We are a visible presence in the community
and proof that church can exist for people who are outside of it!”

Please pray for the community of Lye and for the continuation of growth of Brickworks church. 

Kidderminster Deanery – Rural Dean: Tim Williams; Lay Chair: Bernard Watkins 

Lincoln: Bishop Christopher Lowson, with Bishops David Court (Grimsby)
& Nicholas Chamberlain (Grantham) 

Härnösand (Sweden): Bishop Eva Byström 

Lappo Evangelical Lutheran Church (Finland): Bishop Simo Peura 

Peshawar (Pakistan): Bishop Humphrey Peters

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