​Bishops in Mission weekend in Evesham

Over the weekend of 17 & 18 June, Bishops John and Graham, along with a team of
around 20 people will be visiting Evesham deanery for a weekend of sustained mission. 

The ‘Bishops in Mission’ weekend follows an invitation by the Archbishop of Canterbury
for all bishops to work alongside those training for ministry (ordinands) by spending time
sharing their faith in a local context. In Evesham, there will be a series of events in
different parishes as well as in the town centre itself to help the churches reach out to
those on the edges of its communities and share the love of Jesus with them. 

Bishop Graham said: “98% of people in Evesham deanery are not particularly involved
with the life of the church. We long that they will become involved and that the joy of
the Gospel will be theirs too. 

That’s why over the weekend of 15 – 17 June we will be celebrating the life of every
church community in the deanery and sharing personal stories about the difference
that being a friend of Jesus has made in our lives.” 

God of compassion,
you sent your Son Jesus Christ
to proclaim good news to the poor,
recovery of sight to the blind
and freedom for those who were captive or oppressed;
send your Holy Spirit on us now that we may truly be your Kingdom People
and draw the people of the Vale of Evesham
to know Jesus Christ as their Saviour
and to share the abundance of his risen life
in love, compassion, justice and freedom.

Please pray for all those involved in this event, that the final preparations will go well
and that during the weekend, people will encounter Jesus and begin to welcome him
into their lives. 

Dudley Deanery – Rural Dean: Dominic Melville; Lay Chair: Anne Penn 

The Anglican Church of Melanesia: Archbishop George Takeli 

Diocese of Hereford: Bishop Richard Frith with Bishop Alistair Magowan (Ludlow) 

The Lusitanian Church (Portugal): Bishop José Jorge Pina Cabral 

The Latvian Evangelical Lutheran Church Abroad: Archbishop Lauma Zušēvica

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