From Peter Nardone, Organist and Director of Music at the Cathedral:
Throughout February and March the choirs at the Cathedral live the journey of Lent,
Holy Week and Easter through a great range of choral expression, leading the praise
and devotion of the congregations in everything from plainsong through to 21st century
repertoire. The constant daily worship both said and sung is the feature that sets the
Cathedral apart from most places of public worship.
When an opportunity arises for the singers and organists at the cathedral to touch lives
outside the building, outside the city, outside the county there is much excitement and
much for which we should give thanks.
Today is one such day when those who lead the Cathedral’s worship can broadcast
the message of the resurrection live at 8.05am on Radio Four and then again live at
3pm on Radio Three. The Easter morning Eucharist will be sung by the girls and men
of the cathedral choir with Bishop John and Dean Peter sharing with the clergy and
people of Worcester in celebration across the nation. At choral evensong the boys and
men lead the people’s songs for the risen Christ. Alleluia! Christ is risen: He is risen
indeed, Alleluia!
Please pray for all those
involved in the BBC’s
broadcasts from Worcester
Cathedral and for all those
who will be listening.
Dudley Deanery –
Rural Dean:
Dominic Melville;
Lay Chair: John Layton
Diocese of Lund (Sweden): Bishop Johan Tyrberg
Diocese of Cashel, Ossory and Ferns (Ireland): Bishop Michael Burrows
Diocese of Ely: Bishop Stephen Conway, Bishop David Thomson (Huntingdon)